Focus Pro goggles are a great tool for improving hand-eye coordination and technique. The goggles were designed with multiple sports in mind. This training tool's main feature is its adjustable lenses to suit different training drills. There a several ways to use these lenses, we'll go through some examples and the best way to implement the goggles.
Lenses Off
The best practice to begin using the goggles are to remove the lenses to reveal the Half Moon eye-holes. This'll allow your eyes to adjust to your restricted peripherals. The Half Moon phase can be used during drills/training in a variety of different sports.
Adjustable Lenses
Once your training, specifically during the Half Moon phase, starts to feel more comfortable and manageable, it's advisable, based on the specific drills and exercises you're focusing on in your training regimen, to progress to utilizing the adjustable lenses. These adjustable lenses are specifically designed to provide you with a finer, more precise focus on your targeted drill or exercise. When you are adjusting the degree of the lenses, it's important to note that each direction you turn the lenses in will effectively block the adjacent peripherals, thereby enhancing your ability to concentrate on the drill at hand.
Closed Lenses
The best practice we've found when working in a variety of sports with the Focus Pro's lenses closed, is Dribbling Training. When dribbling in Basketball, it can make or break your game. Having the ability to effortlessly dribble (between the legs, etc.) to help keep your eyes on the court and make better decisions on the court